The Immortal Draw

Alexander Alekhine vs. Richard Reti

Vienna - 1922

Annotator Hans Muller described the 1922 game between Alekhine and Reti as "The Immortal Draw". And it is indeed a pretty good fight worth looking at.

Along with that game are a few other unusual draws:

  • A Schlechter-Marco game that has about as little action as can possibly be imagined.

  • A game from the 1978 Buenos Aires Olympiad, which burned out to a King and Pawn ending on Move 22!

  • Topping that, a Blitz game I once played with Joel Hackbart, that burned out to a King and Pawn ending on Move 19!

  • A Sam Loyd composition showing an 11 move stalemate, with all 32 pieces still on the board!

  • Another Sam Loyd composition showing a 10 move stalemate, apparently the fastest one possible!
  • Yet another Sam Loyd composition, this one resulting in a Bare King vs. King ending on Move 17.