1st President's Cup
4-14-2001 - 4-15-2001
Dallas, TX

                                                11 22 33 44   SCORE
University of Texas - Dallas                    xx 4½ 3½ 4    12 -6
University of Maryland - Baltimore County       1½ xx 5  5    11½-6½
University of California - Berkeley             2½ 1  xx 3     6½-11½
Stanford                                        2  1  3  xx    6 -12


UT DALLAS (3½)  vs. UC BERKELEY (2½)
bd 1  Win     Shulman vs. Zilberstein      Loss
bd 2  Draw    Szuk vs. Pruess              Draw
bd 3  Draw    Zaremba vs. Erdei            Draw
bd 4  Win     Whatley vs. Rozenvasser      Loss
bd 5  Draw    John vs. Steel               Draw
bd 6  Loss    Rylander vs. Vachon          Win

UMBC (5) vs. Stanford (1)
bd 1  Win     Perelshteyn vs. Wang         Loss
bd 2  Win     Smith vs. Mont-Reynaud       Loss
bd 3  Win     Del Mundo vs. Ilfeld         Loss
bd 4  Win     Gershov vs. Porter           Loss
bd 5  Win     Tsibulevsky vs. Aigner       Loss
bd 6  Loss    Hartwig vs. Pecora           Win


UT Dallas (4) vs. Stanford (2)
bd 1  Draw    Shulman vs. Wang             Draw     
bd 2  Win     Szuk vs. Mont-Reynaud        Loss
bd 3  Draw    Zaremba vs. Ilfeld           Draw
bd 4  Win     Whatley vs. Porter           Loss
bd 5  Loss    Dokuchayev vs. Aigner        Win
bd 6  Win     Ashton vs. Pecora            Loss

UMBC (5) vs. UC Berkeley (1)
bd 1  Win     Perelshteyn vs. Zilberstein  Loss
bd 2  Win     Smith vs. Pruess             Loss
bd 3  Win     Del Mundo vs. Erdei          Loss
bd 4  Win     Gershov vs. Rozenvasser      Loss
bd 5  Loss    Tsibulevsky vs. Steel        Win
bd 6  Win     Hartwig vs. Vachon           Loss


UT Dallas (4½) vs. UMBC (1½)
bd 1  Win     Shulman vs. Perelshteyn      Loss
bd 2  Draw    Szuk vs. Smith               Draw
bd 3  Win     Zaremba vs. Del Mundo        Loss
bd 4  Win     Whatley vs. Gershov          Loss
bd 5  Loss    Rylander vs. Tsibulevsky     Win
bd 6  Win     Ashton vs. Hartwig           Loss

UCB (3) vs. Stanford (3)
bd 1  Win     Zilberstein vs. Wang         Loss
bd 2  Draw    Pruess vs. Mont-Reynaud      Draw
bd 3  Draw    Erdei vs. Ilfeld             Draw
bd 4  Loss    Rozenvasser vs. Porter       Win
bd 5  Win     Steel vs. Aigner             Loss
bd 6  Loss    Vachon vs. Pecora            Win

SCORE BY MATCH POINTS                           1 2 3 4  SCORE
University of Texas - Dallas                    x 1 1 1  3 -0
University of Maryland - Baltimore County       0 x 1 1  2 -1
University of California - Berkeley             0 0 x ½   ½-2½
Stanford                                        0 0 ½ x   ½-2½


Yury Shulman
Balazs Szuk
Andrei Zaremba
Andrew Whatley
David John
Andrey Dokuchayev
Jeffrey Ashton
Dennis Rylander

Eugene Perelshteyn
Bryan Smith
Anton Del Mundo
Yevgeniy Gershov
Eddie Tsibulevsky
Thomas Hartwig

Dmitry Zilberstein
David Pruess
Andras Erdei
Anthony Rozenvasser
David Steel
Pierre Vachon

Philip Wang
Jordy Mont-Reynaud
Etan Ilfeld
Ryan Porter
Michael Aigner
David Pecorra


 Pair | Player Name                     |Total|Round|Round|Round| 
 Num  |                                 | Pts |  1  |  2  |  3  | 
    1 | ANDREW WESLEY WHATLEY           |3.0  |W  26|W  15|W   9|  TN  2336  2353  UTD 4
    2 | YURY SHULMAN                    |2.5  |W  14|D  21|W   5|  IL  2672  2674  UTD 1
    3 | BRYAN G SMITH                   |2.5  |W  23|W  13|D   8|  PA  2380  2393  UMBC 2
    4 | DAVID TULLY STEEL               |2.5  |D  22|W  11|W  18|  CA  2056  2088  UCB 5
    5 | EUGENE PERELSHTEYN              |2.0  |W  21|W  14|L   2|  MA  2517  2522  UMBC 1
    6 | ANDREI A ZAREMBA                |2.0  |D  17|D  16|W   7|  PA  2382  2384  UTD 3
    7 | ANTON PAOLO DEL MUNDO           |2.0  |W  16|W  17|L   6|  VA  2331  2337  UMBC 3
    8 | BALAZS SZUK                     |2.0  |D  13|W  23|D   3|  TX  2305  2329  UTD 2
    9 | YEVGENIY GERSHOV                |2.0  |W  15|W  26|L   1|  NY  2297  2303  UMBC 4
   10 | JEFFREY ROBERT ASHTON           |2.0  |U    |W  12|W  19|  TX  2201  2211  UTD 7
   11 | EDDIE TSIBULEVSKY               |2.0  |W  18|L   4|W  24|  MD  2063  2080  UMBC 5
   12 | DAVID B PECORA                  |2.0  |W  19|L  10|W  20|  NY  2071  2077  STAN 6
   13 | DAVID PRUESS                    |1.0  |D   8|L   3|D  23|  CA  2422  2408  UCB 2
   14 | DMITRY ZILBERSTEIN              |1.0  |L   2|L   5|W  21|  CA  2393  2392  UCB 1
   15 | RYAN W PORTER                   |1.0  |L   9|L   1|W  26|  WA  2295  2285  STAN 4
   16 | ETAN J ILFELD                   |1.0  |L   7|D   6|D  17|      2266  2261  STAN 3
   17 | ANDRAS ERDEI                    |1.0  |D   6|L   7|D  16|  NY  2239  2236  UCB 3
   18 | MICHAEL AIGNER                  |1.0  |L  11|W  25|L   4|  CA  2235  2221  STAN 5
   19 | THOMAS EUGENE HARTWIG           |1.0  |L  12|W  20|L  10|  MI  2080  2068  UMBC 6
   20 | DR. PIERRE J VACHON             |1.0  |W  24|L  19|L  12|  NY  1717  1737  UCB 6
   21 | PHILIP WANG                     |0.5  |L   5|D   2|L  14|  CA  2345  2340  STAN 1
   22 | DAVID C JOHN                    |0.5  |D   4|U    |U    |  TX  2304  2299  UTD 5
   23 | JORDY MONT-REYNAUD              |0.5  |L   3|L   8|D  13|  CA  2273  2264  STAN 2
   24 | DENNIS RYLANDER                 |0.0  |L  20|U    |L  11|  TX  2308  2281  UTD 8
   25 | ANDREY DOKUCHAYEV               |0.0  |U    |L  18|U    |  NJ  2237  2228  UTD 6
   26 | ANTHONY ROZENVASSER             |0.0  |L   1|L   9|L  15|      2147  2134  UCB 4

  • Crosstable on uschess.org

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