Kirk's log describes the planet as M-113. Are there really 112 other planets in this solar system? Isn't it about time to Pluto-ize some of them?

The landing party is pretty heavily armed for a routine check on civilians. Aren't the Phaser I's supposed to be for use in discrete situations?

Even though McCoy has a daughter named Joanna, Nancy Crater is said to be "the one woman" in his past. New Math?

The "flowers" Kirk picks for McCoy to give to Nancy are weeds. Even for Shatner, that's smarmy.

McCoy tells Kirk that he and Nancy walked out of each other's lives 10 years ago, but tells Crater that it was 12 years ago. McCoy is bad at math.

Either Nancy is a ventriloquist, or her singing is dubbed in.

Nancy Goes on Vacation and Accidentally uncovers a Mystery cliche.

(Sorry, that's Everything Wrong With Nancy Drew).

Young Nancy looks like she did at age 25, which was 12 years ago. Present Day Nancy looks a lot older than 37. Was she lying about her age?

Wrigley's Pleasure Planet sounds like a place where people go and chew gum all day.

Nancy III looks a lot like Clutch Cargo's sister.

Why was Darnell even included in this landing party at all? If they needed someone to make oafish remarks, there was always Kirk.

Within seconds after meeting him, the Salt Vampire is able to reach into McCoy's mind and determine that the real Nancy called him "Plum" twelve years ago. Their telepathic abilities put Vulcans to shame.

After the first commercial, Kirk's log mentions that all three members of the landing party were seeing different Nancy's, even though nobody knew that at the time, and the next couple of logs aren't aware of it at all. Kirk is falsifying the time stamps on his logs.

CRATER: "Doubtless the good surgeon will enjoy prodding and poking us with his arcane machinery!"

Did Spock put Crater up to saying this??

Tongue Depresser technology hasn't improved at all in 300 years.

McCoy later says that there were bits of the Borgia Plant in Darnell's Mouth. That means that Nancy must have picked up a poisonous plant, chewed a bit of it herself, spit it out, wadded it up into a ball, and put it in Darnell's mouth herself.


New Blank:
Kirk throws away the Borgia Plant that Darnell was supposedly eating when he died, rather than taking it back for testing.

New Blank:
After Darnell dies, Kirk calls the ship and orders "Three to beam up", without bothering to tell the transporter officer that one of the three he'll be beaming is dead. Wouldn't you love to see his face?

Those earrings don't go with that uniform.

UHURA: "Why don't you tell me I'm an attractive young lady, or ask me if I've ever been in love?"

Because he doesn't want to be busted for sexual harrassment.

Spock says Vulcan has no moon, but we see two of them in Star Trek: The Motion Picture.

Speaking of oafish remarks, Uhura's public comment that Kirk is the closest thing Spock has to a friend is pretty pretty darn insubordinate.

"Borgia Plant" is a pretty cutesy name for a deadly poison. Would you call ice cubes "Titanic Cubes"?

Spock can look at that thing all day long without ever putting a dime in.

Did Jose Dominguez ever get those chili peppers before they went bad? I need closure on this.

On McCoy's Medical Scanner, having all the needles at the bottom means the patient is dead. That makes sense. But a dead patient with no salt in his body sends the Blood Needle shooting sky high.

The expedition's supply of salt tablets is kept in a designer bottle.

New Blank:
McCoy slobbers all over one of Crater's salt tablets to see if it's real rather than just scanning it with a tricorder.

Why did Nancy go on a killing spree right at the moment when fresh salt supplies had arrived? Thought she was supposed to be intelligent.

The show kills off a crewman named after sci-fi great Theodore Sturgeon, but he went on to write for the show anyway.

New Blank:
After Sturgeon is killed, Kirk starts shouting for Crewman Green, rather than just buzzing his communicator.

Although four crewmen are killed in this episode, none of them were wearing red shirts.

Although there's a transporter officer in the episode, Scotty's only "appearance" is as a voice on Kirk's communicator.

The salt vampire can not only copy Green's face, but also his uniform and phaser. Wonder if it works?

Janice Rand sneaks a bit of Sulu's celery when nobody is watching.

Janice salts Sulu's celery for him before taking it to him. Don't most people like to season their own food?

Although there are over a hundred women on the Enterprise, these guys act like they haven't seen one since their last shore leave.

Sulu eats potatoes dipped in red, orange and green food coloring, and acts like it's delicious.

How can Janice tell that Sulu's plant is a He?

(Never mind! I don't want to know!)

Sulu's plant is clearly a hand in a flower costume. A prototype Muppet?

The creature has no trouble talking when disguised as McCoy, Nancy, or Uhura's Crewman. Or even as Green while on the planet's surface. But once on the ship, Green turns into a mime.

Uhura asks "Bobby" to fix her rattling door. Shouldn't that be a job for a redshirt?

Uhura is really pleased with herself for getting a promise to fix that door. How long has it been rattling, anyway?

Although the episode is clearly titled The Man Trap, Uhura seems to be in real trouble here.

When Kirk tries to find Uhura, how does he know that this is the intercom she's standing by? Does she wear an ankle tracker? Or did he buzz every intercom on the ship?

This episode, and The Naked Time are the only episodes where the crew wear t-shirts under their regular tunics.

Additional: In his own cabin, McCoy sleeps on the couch.

Kirk eats on the bridge. Does he want to get ants??

Kirk's regular yeoman isn't there to take the dirty dishes after his little snack. What other duties does Janice have on this ship, anyway?

McCoy keeps a giant bottle of red hots in his cabin.

KIRK: "Captain's log, additional. Armed and able-bodied crewmen are not attacked and slaughtered this easily."

Since when??

KIRK: "Professor, you're a reasonable man!"

Since when??

Kirk calls the ship, and Sulu answers. Is he moonlighting as a communications officer? How'd he like it if Uhura ran around the ship with a sword?

Put that woman on report! She's not wearing a miniskirt!

And put those guys on report too. They're wearing uniforms from the pilot.

Spock doesn't know it's not polite to point.

Sulu steals Uhura's chair, so she steals Spock's. Doesn't she know that two wrongs don't make a right?

Crater expects to hold off Kirk and Spock with that museum piece??

How does a planet run out of salt, anyway? Don't all living things produce those naturally?

Crater says the creature isn't dangerous when fed. But she's had four crewmen already. How much does it take to fill her up??

Crater almost gets himself Truth Serumed by admitting that he could recognize the creature in any form. Why didn't he just deny it?

Why does Spock recommend using Truth Serum on Crater, rather than the Vulcan mind meld?

The phasers look really cheap in this episode. Even Crater's museum piece looked better.

Lt. Leslie treats Spock in Sickbay. If I was sick, I wouldn't want to be treated by some security guard.

Kirk goes alone to McCoy's cabin to collar the creature, without even taking a couple of expendables along.

Even after four murders, Nancy is still tempted by six salt tablets. She still hasn't had enough??

New Blank:
Spock follows Kirk to McCoy's cabin, with a reasonable expectation that the Salt Vampire might be there, but doesn't bother to bring his own phaser with him.

Spock is unable to wrestle a phaser away from McCoy. Has Bones been working out?

Four crewmen, a handful of salt tablets, and now she's going for Number Five. How does she maintain her girlish figure?

Oh. She doesn't.

The creature abandons her Nancy form while McCoy has the phaser. Is she trying to make herself a more tempting target?

The premier episode, and nobody is able to come up with a good closing quip.

Sulu takes it to warp while they're still in orbit. In Squire of Gothos and The Motion Picture they need to get away from a planet before warping. Maybe they only warp directly away from planets they don't care about polluting.

Go on, that doesn't look anything like Alfred Ryder.

Which crewman was Crewman? There were a lot of crewmen in this episode.


Sometimes an apparent problem might actually be a problem at all, if a reasonable explanation for it can be extrapolated from existing facts. Such a process is known as fanwanking. Here are a few examples:

Problem: Darnell leaves his post to follow a pretty face.

Answer: That's not a bug, it's a feature. Kirk has a really awful crew that frequently does dumb things, like taking off the gloves of their bio-suits and getting infected, or getting into impromptu wrestling matches with crazy Commodores without bothering to sound an alarm, or even falling in love with genetically engineered Supermen and betraying the crew.

Problem: When Darnell dies, Kirk signals three to beam up, even though one is dead. But when Sturgeon dies, he, McCoy and Green beam up right away, and Kirk says they'll pick up Sturgeon later.

Answer: He was probably embarrassed to be seen beaming up with a dead body twice in a row.

Problem: Kirk has to beam up to use the ship's sensors to search for Nancy, when McCoy is standing right there with a tricorder.

Answer: McCoy's Medical Tricorder probably has a much more limited scanning capability than the regular Science Tricorder. In fact, I remember reading something about that in the Franz Joseph Technical Manual, so that's probably exactly what the writers were thinking.

Problem: Kirk and Spock beam back down alone to nab Crater.

Answer: They've lost four crewman already. Sometimes if you want a job done right, you've got to do it yourself.

Problem: McCoy leaves five red sleeping pills on his bedside after taking one, and doesn't bother to put the lid back on the bottle.

Answer: Actually, it looks like Nancy gave him the pill, and McCoy was probably too zonked to notice what happened next. Nancy is a killer already, so it's no great problem if she's a slob as well.

Problem: The creature goes to McCoy's Cabin as Old Nancy, rather than the Young Nancy Bones had the hots for.

Answer: Bones had already seen Old Nancy when Darnell died, and made up his mind that Young Nancy was just his imagination. On the other hand, if he saw Young Nancy again, he might hvae decided that Old Nancy was his imagination. Hmm...

Problem: How come Kirk screams while being salt-sucked, when none of the other victims did?

Answer: Because Shatner is a much bigger ham.

Problem: Kirk's Captain's Log mentions salacious details, like McCoy's previous relationship with Nancy.

Answer: Ha! If you think that's bad, wait until you see The Lights of Zetar.