2003 President's Cup
4/5/2003 - 4/6/2003
Miami, FL

      11  22  33  44   SCORE
UMBC  xx  3   4   3½   10½- 1½
UTD   1   xx  4   4     9 - 3
MDC   0   0   xx  2½    2½- 9½
UOC    ½  0   1½  xx    2 -10


UMBC (3½) vs. UOC (½)
Win   Onischuk    vs. Nagle          Loss
Draw  Blehm       vs. Ashuev         Draw
Win   Sherzer     vs. Shlyakhter     Loss
Win   Charbonneau vs. Subramanian    Loss

UTD (4) vs. MDC (0)
Win   Shulman   vs. Lopez            Loss
Win   Kaminski  vs. Torres           Loss
Win   Schneider vs. Hernandez        Loss
Win   Simutowe  vs. Barry            Loss

UMBC (4) vs. MDC (0)
Win  Onischuk    vs. Lopez           Loss
Win  Blehm       vs. Torres          Loss
Win  Sherzer     vs. Hernandez       Loss
Win  Perelshteyn vs. Rodriguez       Loss

UTD (4) vs. UOC (0)
Win   Shulman      vs. Nagle         Loss
Win   Kaminski     vs. Shlyakhter    Loss
Win   Panchanathan vs. Subramanian   Loss
Win   Zaremba      vs. Cohn          Loss


UMBC (3) vs. UTD (1)
Draw  Onischuk    vs. Shulman        Draw
Draw  Blehm       vs. Kaminski       Draw
Win   Sherzer     vs. Schneider      Loss
Win   Charbonneau vs. Simutowe       Loss

MDC (2½) vs. UOC (1½)
Draw  Lopez     vs. Nagle            Draw
Draw  Torres    vs. Ashuev           Draw
Win   Hernandez vs. Shlyakhter       Loss
Draw  Medina    vs. Subramanian      Draw


UMBC  (10½-1½)
1)	Alex Onischuk
2)	Pawel Blehm
3)	Alex Sherzer
4)	Pascal Charbonneau
The board lineup above was what was used in match with UT Dallas. Also on the team was EUGENE PERELSHTEYN  

UT Dallas (9-3)
1)	Yury Shulman
2)	Marcin Kaminski
3)	Dmitry Schneider
4)	Amon Simutowe
The board line up above was what was used in the match with UMBC. Also on the team were Magesh Panchanathan and Andrei Zaremba

Miami Dade College  (2½-9½)
1)	Bruci Lopez
2)	Alberto Hernandez
3)	Javier Antonio Torres
4)	Rodelay Medina
5)	Juan Barry
6)	Roger Rodriguez

University of Chicago (2-10)
1)	Sean Nagle
2)	Yuri Ashuev
5)	Zachary Cohn


 Pair | Player Name                     |Total|Round|Round|Round| 
 Num  |                                 | Pts |  1  |  2  |  3  | 
    1 | ALEX I SHERZER                  |3.0  |W  20|W  10|W   8|  FL  2591  2602   UMBC 3
    2 | ALEXANDER ONISCHUK              |2.5  |W  16|W  14|D   3|  TX  2712  2714   UMBC 1
    3 | YURY SHULMAN                    |2.5  |W  14|W  16|D   2|  IL  2624  2631   UTD  1
    4 | MARCIN KAMINSKI                 |2.5  |W  15|W  20|D   5|  TX  2466  2474   UTD  2
    5 | PAWEL BLEHM                     |2.0  |D  13|W  15|D   4|  MD  2578  2571   UMBC 2
    6 | PASCAL CHARBONNEAU              |2.0  |W  18|U    |W  12|  NY  2432  2439   UMBC 4
    7 | EUGENE PERELSHTEYN              |1.0  |U    |W  21|U    |  MA  2509  2510   UMBC 5
    8 | DMITRY SCHNEIDER                |1.0  |W  10|U    |L   1|  NY  2504  2505   UTD  3
    9 | MAGESH PANCHANATHAN             |1.0  |U    |W  18|U    |  NC  2474  2475   UTD  5
   10 | ALBERTO HERNANDEZ               |1.0  |L   8|L   1|W  20|  FL  2447  2437   MDC  2
   11 | ANDREI A ZAREMBA                |1.0  |U    |W  22|U    |  PA  2386  2387   UTD  6
   12 | AMON SOLOMON SIMUTOWE           |1.0  |W  19|U    |L   6|  TX  2369  2363   UTD  4
   13 | MR. YURI ASHUEV                 |1.0  |D   5|U    |D  15|  IL  2166  2176   UOC  2
   14 | BRUCI LOPEZ                     |0.5  |L   3|L   2|D  16|  VA  2349  2344   MDC  1
   15 | JAVIER ANTONIO TORRES           |0.5  |L   4|L   5|D  13|  FL  2342  2330   MDC  3
   16 | SEAN NAGLE                      |0.5  |L   2|L   3|D  14|  MN  2326  2322   UOC  1
   17 | RODELAY MEDINA                  |0.5  |U    |U    |D  18|  FL  2229  2222   MDC  4
   18 | SARAN SUBRAMANIAN               |0.5  |L   6|L   9|D  17|  IL  1758  1770   UOC  4
   19 | JUAN M BARRY                    |0.0  |L  12|U    |U    |  FL  2095  2092   MDC  5
   20 | ANDREY SHLYAKHTER               |0.0  |L   1|L   4|L  10|  MA  2005  2002   UOC  3
   21 | ROGER A RODRIGUEZ               |0.0  |U    |L   7|U    |  FL  1752  1750   MDC  6
   22 | ZACHARY COHN                    |0.0  |U    |L  11|U    |  NY  1679  1678   UOC  5

  • Crosstable on uschess.org

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