2006 President's Cup
4/1/2006 - 4/2/2006
Dallas, TX

      11 22 33 44   SCORE
UMBC  xx 2  3½ 3½   9- 3
UTD   2  xx 2  4    8- 4
MDC    ½ 2  xx 2½   5- 7
DUKE   ½ 0  1½ xx   2-10


UMBC (3½) vs. MDC (½)
Win   Blehm       vs. Gonzalez   Loss
Win   Charbonneau vs. Hernandez  Loss
Win   Rohonyan    vs. Galofre    Loss
Draw  Bhatia      vs. Medina     Draw

UTD (4) vs. DUKE (0)
Win   Panchanathan vs. Milman      Loss
Win   Schneider    vs. Wasiolek    Loss
Win   Zivanic      vs. Hoekstra    Loss
Win   Kuljasevic   vs. Acheampong  Loss


UMBC (3½) vs. DUKE (½)
Draw  Blehm       vs. Milman      Draw
Win   Charbonneau vs. Hoekstra    Loss
Win   Lopez       vs. Wasiolek    Loss
Win   Rohonyan    vs. Acheampong  Loss

UTD (2) vs. MDC (2)
Loss  Panchanathan vs. Gonzalez   Win
Draw  Ramirez      vs. Hernandez  Draw
Win   Kuljasevic   vs. Galofre    Loss
Draw  Boskovic     vs. Medina     Draw


UMBC (2) vs. UTD (2)
Win   Blehm       vs. Panchanathan  Loss
Loss  Charbonneau vs. Ramirez       Win
Win   Lopez       vs. Schneider     Loss
Loss  Rohonyan    vs. Kuljasevic    Win

MDC (2½) vs. DUKE (1½)
Draw  Gonzalez  vs. Milman      Draw
Loss  Hernandez vs. Hoekstra    Win
Win   Medina    vs. Wasiolek    Loss
Win   Galofre   vs. Acheampong  Loss


UMBC (9-3)
1) Pawel Blehm 2.5
2) Pascal Charbonneau 2
3) Bruci Lopez 2
4) Katerina Rohonyan 2
ALT) Beenish Bhatia .5

UTD (8-4)
1) Magesh Panchanathan 1					
2) Alejandro Ramirez 1.5					
3) Dmitry Schneider 1						
4) Marko Zivanic 1	
ALT) Davorin Kuljasevic 3					
ALT) Drasko Boskovic .5

1) Renier Gonzalez 1.5
2) Alberto Hernandez .5
3) Rodelay Medina 2
4) Charles Galofre 1

DUKE (2-10)			
1) Lev Milman 1	
2) Matthew Hoekstra 1
3) Rory Wasiolek 0	
4) Kwadwo Acheampong 0


 Pair | Player Name                     |Total|Round|Round|Round| 
 Num  | USCF ID / Rtg (Pre->Post)       | Pts |  1  |  2  |  3  | 
    1 | DAVORIN KULJASEVIC              |3.0  |W  19|W  14|W   5|  TX  2470  2477
    2 | PAWEL BLEHM                     |2.5  |W   8|D  12|W   9|  MD  2576  2589
    3 | PASCAL CHARBONNEAU              |2.0  |W  16|W  13|L   7|  NY  2528  2530
    4 | BRUCI LOPEZ                     |2.0  |U    |W  18|W  11|  VA  2438  2449
    5 | KATERINA ROHONYAN               |2.0  |W  14|W  19|L   1|  WA  2291  2293
    6 | RODELAY MEDINA                  |2.0  |D  17|D  15|W  18|  FL  2215  2226
    7 | ALEJANDRO RAMIREZ               |1.5  |U    |D  16|W   3|  MO  2542  2546
    8 | RENIER GONZALEZ                 |1.5  |L   2|W   9|D  12|  FL  2533  2535
    9 | MAGESH PANCHANATHAN             |1.0  |W  12|L   8|L   2|  NC  2569  2559
   10 | MARKO ZIVANIC                   |1.0  |W  13|U    |U    |  TX  2545  2550
   11 | DMITRY SCHNEIDER                |1.0  |W  18|U    |L   4|  NY  2526  2517
   12 | LEV MILMAN                      |1.0  |L   9|D   2|D   8|  NY  2518  2513
   13 | MATTHEW B HOEKSTRA              |1.0  |L  10|L   3|W  16|  VA  2402  2398
   14 | CHARLES GALOFRE                 |1.0  |L   5|L   1|W  19|  FL  2170  2163
   15 | DRASKO BOSKOVIC                 |0.5  |U    |D   6|U    |      2512  2506
   16 | ALBERTO HERNANDEZ               |0.5  |L   3|D   7|L  13|  FL  2327  2321
   17 | BEENISH BHATIA                  |0.5  |D   6|U    |U    |  MD  2289  2287
   18 | RORY E WASIOLEK                 |0.0  |L  11|L   4|L   6|  TN  2034  2027
   19 | KWADWO ACHEAMPONG               |0.0  |L   1|L   5|L  14|  NJ  1717  1713

  • Crosstable on uschess.org

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