2010 President's Cup
4/10/2010 - 4/11/2010
Brownsville, TX

      11 22 33 44   SCORE
UMBC  xx 2  3  3    8 -4
UTB   2  xx 2½ 3    7½-4½
TTU   1  1½ xx 2    4½-7½
UTD   1  1  2  xx   4 -8


UMBC (3) vs. UTD (1)
Win   Kritz          vs. Zivanic  Loss
Win   Erenburg       vs. Ludwig   Loss
Win   Margvelashvili vs. Sadorra  Loss
Loss  Kaplan         vs. Bercys   Win

UTB (2½) vs. TTU (1½)
Draw  Gareyev vs. Antal       Draw
Draw  Flores  vs. Papp        Draw
Draw  Bachman vs. Kuljasevic  Draw
Win   Cornejo vs. Watters     Loss


UMBC (3) vs. TTU (1)
Win   Kritz          vs. Kuljasevic  Loss
Win   Erenburg       vs. Papp        Loss
Draw  Margvelashvili vs. Antal       Draw
Draw  Kaplan         vs. Watters     Draw

UTB (3) vs. UTD (1)
Win   Gareyev vs. Zivanic  Loss
Draw  Flores  vs. Ludwig   Draw
Win   Bachman vs. Sadorra  Loss
Draw  Cornejo vs. Wang     Draw


UMBC (2) vs. UTB (2)
Loss  Kritz          vs. Gareyev   Win
Win   Erenburg       vs. Flores    Loss
Draw  Margvelashvili vs. Bachman   Draw
Draw  Kaplan         vs. Cornejo   Draw

TTU (2) vs. UTD (2)
Draw  Kuljasevic vs. Zivanic  Draw
Win   Papp       vs. Ludwig   Loss
Draw  Antal      vs. Wang     Draw
Loss  Watters    vs. Bercys   Win


UMBC (8-4)
1) Leonid Kritz
2) Sergey Erenburg
4) Sasha Kaplan
ALT: Sabina Foisor

1) Timur Gareyev
2) Mauricio Flores
4) Max Cornejo
ALT: Nadya Ortiz
ALT: Luciana Morales

TEXAS TECH (4½-7½)
1) Gergely Antal
2) Gabor Papp
3) Davorin Kuljasevic
4) Chase Watters

1) Marko Zivanic
2) Daniel Ludwig
3) Puchen Wang
4) Julio Sadorra
ALT: Salvijus Bercys


 Pair | Player Name                     |Total|Round|Round|Round| 
 Num  |                                 | Pts |  1  |  2  |  3  | 
    1 | SERGEY ERENBURG                 |3.0  |W  15|W   8|W  10|  VA  2607  2636  UMBC 2
    2 | TIMUR GAREYEV                   |2.5  |D  11|W  14|W   3|  KS  2641  2655  UTB  1
    3 | LEONID KRITZ                    |2.0  |W  14|W  11|L   2|  MA  2667  2671  UMBC 1
    4 | AXEL BACHMAN                    |2.0  |D   9|W  17|D   5|      2611  2614  UTB  3
    5 | GIORGI MARGVELASHVILI           |2.0  |W  17|D   9|D   4|      2534  2543  UMBC 3
    6 | SALVIJUS BERCYS                 |2.0  |W  13|U   0|W  16|  NY  2489  2498  UTD  5
    7 | MAX CORNEJO                     |2.0  |W  16|D  12|D  13|  TX  2450  2456  UTB  4
    8 | GABOR PAPP                      |1.5  |D  10|L   1|W  15|      2569  2571  TT   2
    9 | GERGELY ANTAL                   |1.5  |D   4|D   5|D  12|      2570  2569  TT   1
   10 | MAURICIO FLORES                 |1.0  |D   8|D  15|L   1|  MN  2631  2612  UTB  2
   11 | DAVORIN KULJASEVIC              |1.0  |D   2|L   3|D  14|  TX  2576  2572  TT   3
   12 | PUCHEN WANG                     |1.0  |U   0|D   7|D   9|  TX  2521  2520  UTD  3
   13 | SASHA KAPLAN                    |1.0  |L   6|D  16|D   7|      2521  2482  UMBC 4
   14 | MARKO ZIVANIC                   |0.5  |L   3|L   2|D  11|  TX  2585  2572  UTD  1
   15 | DANIEL J LUDWIG                 |0.5  |L   1|D  10|L   8|  TX  2532  2521  UTD  2
   16 | CHASE WATTERS                   |0.5  |L   7|D  13|L   6|  MD  2087  2091  TT   4
   17 | JULIO C SADORRA                 |0.0  |L   5|L   4|U   0|  TX  2487  2471  UTD  4
   18 | MS. SABINA-FRANCESCA FOISOR     |0.0  |U   0|U   0|U   0|  KY  2356  2356  UMBC 5
   19 | NADYA ORTIZ                     |0.0  |U   0|U   0|U   0|      2229  2229  UTB  5
   20 | LUCIANA MORALES                 |0.0  |U   0|U   0|U   0|      2143  2143  UTB  6

  • Crosstable on uschess.org
  • Final Standings on Archive.org

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