2011 President's Cup
4/2/2011 - 4/3/2011
Herndon, VA 

      11 22 33 44   SCORE
TTU   xx 2  2½ 2½   7 -5
UTD   2  xx 2  2½   6½-5½
UTB   1½ 2  xx 2½   6 -6
UMBC  1½ 1½ 1½ xx   4½-7½

TTU (2½) VS. UTB (1½)
Win   Bykhovsky  vs. Gareyev         Loss
Draw  Kuljasevic vs. Flores          Draw
Draw  Sipos      vs. Bachman         Draw
Draw  Diamant    vs. Cornejo         Draw

UTD (2½) vs. UMBC (1½)
Loss   Ramirez   vs. Erenburg        Win
Win   Chirila    vs. Kritz           Loss
Draw  Sadorra    vs. Margvelashvili  Draw
Win   Bercys     vs. Foisor          Loss


TTU (2) vs. UTD (2)
Draw  Bykhovsky  vs. Ramirez         Draw
Draw  Kuljasevic vs. Chirila         Draw
Win   Sipos      vs. Sadorra         Loss
Loss  Diamant    vs. Bercys          Win

UTB (2½) vs. UMBC (1½)
Draw  Gareyev    vs. Erenburg        Draw
Loss  Flores     vs. Kritz           Win
Win   Bachman    vs. Margvelashvili  Loss
Win   Cornejo    vs. Foisor          Loss

TTU (2½) vs. UMBC (1½)
Draw  Bykhovsky  vs. Erenburg        Draw
Win   Kuljasevic vs. Kritz           Loss
Draw  Sipos      vs. Kaplan          Draw
Draw  Diamant    vs. Foisor          Draw

UTD (2) vs. UTB (2)
Draw  Ramirez    vs. Gareyev         Draw
Draw  Chirila    vs. Flores          Draw
Loss  Bercys     vs. Bachman         Win
Win   Wang       vs. Cornejo         Loss


Texas Tech (7-5)
1) Anatoly Bykhovsky
2) Davorin Kuljasevic
3) Istvan Sipos
4) Andre Diamant
ALT: Faik Aleskerov

UT Dallas (6½-5½)
1) Alejandro Ramirez
2) Cristian Chirila
3) Julio Sadorra
4) Puchen Wang
ALT Salvijus Bercys
ALT: Marko Zivanic

UTB (6-6)
1) Timur Gareyev
2) Mauricio Flores
3) Axel Bachmann
4) Max Cornejo

UMBC (4½-7½)
1) Sergey Erenburg
2) Leonid Kritz
3) Giorgi Margvelashvili
4) Sasha Kaplan
ALT: Sabina Foisor
ALT: Richard Selzler


 Pair | Player Name                     |Total|Round|Round|Round| 
 Num  |                                 | Pts |  1  |  2  |  3  | 
    1 | AXEL BACHMAN                    |2.5  |D   7|W  16|W   6|      2597  2608  UTB 3
    2 | SERGEY ERENBURG                 |2.0  |W  11|D   9|D   3|  VA  2672  2679  UMBC 1
    3 | ANATOLY BYKHOVSKY               |2.0  |W   9|D  11|D   2|  IL  2631  2641  TTU 1
    4 | DAVORIN KULJASEVIC              |2.0  |D  12|D   5|W  10|  TX  2570  2581  TTU 2
    5 | IOAN CHIRILA                    |2.0  |W  10|D   4|D  12|  MO  2563  2574  UTD 2
    6 | SALVIJUS BERCYS                 |2.0  |W  17|W  13|L   1|  NY  2541  2549  UTD 5
    7 | ISTVAN SIPOS                    |2.0  |D   1|W  15|D  17|  TX  2462  2476  TTU 3
    8 | MAX CORNEJO                     |1.5  |D  13|W  17|L  14|  TX  2482  2484  UTB 4
    9 | TIMUR GAREYEV                   |1.0  |L   3|D   2|D  11|  KS  2684  2674  UTB 1
   10 | LEONID KRITZ                    |1.0  |L   5|W  12|L   4|  MA  2672  2659  UMBC 2
   11 | ALEJANDRO RAMIREZ               |1.0  |L   2|D   3|D   9|  MO  2654  2647  UTD 1
   12 | MAURICIO FLORES                 |1.0  |D   4|L  10|D   5|  MN  2614  2605  UTB 2
   13 | ANDRE DIAMANT                   |1.0  |D   8|L   6|D  18|      2536  2524  TTU 4
   14 | PUCHEN WANG                     |1.0  |U   0|U   0|W   8|  TX  2498  2506  UTD 4
   15 | JULIO C SADORRA                 |0.5  |D  16|L   7|U   0|  TX  2575  2564  UTD 3
   16 | GIORGI MARGVELASHVILI           |0.5  |D  15|L   1|U   0|      2544  2538  UMBC 3
   17 | SASHA KAPLAN                    |0.5  |L   6|L   8|D   7|      2497  2471  UMBC 4
   18 | MS. SABINA-FRANCESCA FOISOR     |0.5  |U   0|U   0|D  13|  KY  2401  2401  UMBC 5
   19 | MARKO ZIVANIC                   |0.0  |U   0|U   0|U   0|  TX  2533  2533  UTD 6
   20 | FAIK ALESKEROV                  |0.0  |U   0|U   0|U   0|  CA  2441  2441  TTU 5
   21 | RICHARD SELZLER                 |0.0  |U   0|U   0|U   0|  AZ  2253  2253  UMBC 6

  • Crosstable on uschess.org

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