2014 President's Cup
New York, NY
4/5/2014 - 4/6/2014

      11 22 33 44   SCORE
WEB   xx 2½ 3  4    9½- 2½
UMBC  1½ xx 1½ 4    7 - 5
TTU   1  2½ xx 3    6½- 5½
ILL   0  0  1  xx   1 -11


WEB (4) vs. ILL (0)
Win   Le vs. Rosen                  Loss
Win   So vs. Auger                  Loss
Win   Jimenez vs. Luo               Loss
Win   Bykhovsky vs. Indusekar       Loss

TTU (2½) vs. UMBC (1½)
Win   Zherebukh vs. Huschhenbeth    Loss
Win   Moradiabadi vs. Kore          Loss
Draw  Gorovets vs. Bregadze         Draw
Loss  Torres vs. Paikidze           Win


WEB (2½) vs. UMBC (1½)
Win   Le          vs. Huschhenbeth  Loss
Loss  So          vs. Kore          Win
Draw  Meier       vs. Bregadze      Draw
Win   Robson      vs. Foisor        Loss

TTU (3) vs. ILL (1)
Draw  Zherebukh   vs. Rosen         Draw
Win   Moradiabadi vs. Luo           Loss
Win   Gorovets    vs. Auger         Loss
Draw  Aleskerov   vs. Indusekar     Draw


WEB (3) vs. TTU (1)
Draw  Le           vs. Zherebukh    Draw
Win   So           vs. Moradiabadi  Loss
Draw  Meier        vs. Gorovets     Draw
Win   Robson       vs. Torres       Loss

UMBC (4) vs. ILL (0)
Win   Huschhenbeth vs. Rosen        Loss
Win   Kore         vs. Luo          Loss
Win   Bregadze     vs. Auger        Loss
Win   Paikidze     vs. Indusekar    Loss


WEBSTER (WEB)  (9½-2½)
1. Liem Le
2. Wesley So
3. George Meier
4. Ray Robson
ALT: Fidel Corrales Jimenez
ALT: Anatoly Bykhovsky

1. Niclas Huschenbeth
2. Akshayraj Kore
3. Levan Bregadze
4. Nazi Paikidze
ALT: Sabina Foisor

TEXAS TECH (TTU)  (6½-5½)
1. Yaro Zherebukh
2. Elshan Moradiabadi
3. Andrey Gorovets
4. Luis Carlos Torres
ALT: Faik Aleskerov

1. Eric Rosen
2. Michael Auger
3. Xin Luo
4. Akshay Indusekar


 Pair | Player Name                     |Total|Round|Round|Round| 
 Num  |                                 | Pts |  1  |  2  |  3  | 
    1 | LIEM QUANG LE                   |2.5  |W  14|W  12|D   4|  MO  2795  2799  WEB 1
    2 | WESLEY SO                       |2.0  |W  19|L   6|W   5|  MN  2760  2755  WEB 2
    3 | RAY ROBSON                      |2.0  |U    |W  18|W  17|  MO  2716  2720  WEB 4
    4 | YAROSLAV ZHEREBUKH              |2.0  |W  12|D  14|D   1|  IL  2709  2709  TTU 1
    5 | ELSHAN MORADIABADI              |2.0  |W   6|W  20|L   2|  NC  2668  2670  TTU 2
    6 | AKSHAYRAJ KORE                  |2.0  |L   5|W   2|W  20|  VA  2571  2586  UMBC 2
    7 | ANDREY GOROVETS                 |2.0  |D   8|W  19|D  10|  TX  2535  2541  TTU 3
    8 | LEVAN BREGADZE                  |2.0  |D   7|D  10|W  19|  NC  2514  2522  UMBC 3
    9 | NAZI PAIKIDZE                   |2.0  |W  17|U    |W  16|  NV  2705  2697  UMBC 4
   10 | GEORG MEIER                     |1.0  |U    |D   8|D   7|  TX  2705  2697  WEB 3
   11 | FIDEL CORRALES JIMENEZ          |1.0  |W  20|U    |U    |  NY  2628  2630  WEB 5
   12 | NICLAS HUSCHENBETH              |1.0  |L   4|L   1|W  14|  MD  2609  2603  UMBC 1
   13 | ANATOLY BYKHOVSKY               |1.0  |W  16|U    |U    |  IL  2581  2583  WEB 6
   14 | ERIC S ROSEN                    |0.5  |L   1|D   4|L  12|  IL  2397  2397  ILL 1
   15 | FAIK ALESKEROV                  |0.5  |U    |D  16|U    |  CA  2383  2378  TTU 5
   16 | AKSHAY INDUSEKAR                |0.5  |L  13|D  15|L   9|  IL  2131  2132  ILL 4
   17 | MR. LUIS CARLOS TORRES JR.      |0.0  |L   9|U    |L   3|  VA  2378  2363  TTU 4
   18 | MS. SABINA-FRANCESCA FOISOR     |0.0  |U    |L   3|U    |  KY  2315  2315  UMBC 5
   19 | MICHAEL W AUGER                 |0.0  |L   2|L   7|L   8|  IL  2273  2265  ILL 2
   20 | XIN LUO                         |0.0  |L  11|L   5|L   6|  IL  2268  2262  ILL 3

  • Crosstable on uschess.org
  • All 24 Games, as stored on LiChess.

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