2017 President's Cup
3/25/2017 - 3/26/2017
New York, NY

     11 22 33 44   SCORE
WEB  xx 3  2½ 2½   8 -4
TTU  1  xx 3  2½   6½-5½
SLU  1½ 1  xx 2½   5 -7
UTD  1½ 1½ 1½ xx   4½-7½


WEB (3) vs. TTU (1)
Win   Le           vs. Baryshpolets  Loss
Draw  Nyzhnyk      vs. Matsenko      Draw
Win   Robson       vs. Vorontsov     Loss
Draw  Shimanov     vs. Torres        Draw

SLU (2½) vs. UTD (1½)
Win   Swiercz   vs. Popilski         Loss
Win   Zherebukh vs. Kadric           Loss
Draw  Rambaldi  vs. Raznikov         Draw
Loss  Marandi   vs. Marandi          Win


WEB (2½) vs. UTD (1½)
Win   Le           vs. Popilski      Loss
Draw  Nyzhnyk      vs. Hernandez     Draw
Loss  Robson       vs. Berczes       Win
Win   Shimanov     vs. Lopez         Loss

TTU (3) vs. SLU (1)
Draw  Baryshpolets vs. Swiercz       Draw
Draw  Matsenko     vs. Zherebuk      Draw
Win   Vorontsov    vs. Rambaldi      Loss
Win   Torres       vs. Marandi       Loss


WEB (2½) vs. SLU (1½)
Draw  Le           vs. Swiercz       Draw
Draw  Robson       vs. Zherebukh     Draw
Draw  Shimanov     vs. Rambaldi      Draw
Win   Durarbayli   vs. Marandi       Loss

TTU (2½) vs. UTD (1½)
Win   Baryshpolets vs. Kadric        Loss
Draw  Matsenko     vs. Raznikov      Draw
Draw  Vorontsov    vs. Hernandez     Draw
Draw  Torres       vs. Berczes       Draw


1. Liem Le
2. Ray Robson (but played on board 3 in the first and second rounds.)
3. Alex Shimanov
4. Vasif Durarbayli
First ALT:  Illia Nyzhnyk
Second ALT:  Priyadarshan Kannappan

TEXAS TECH (TTU) (6½-5½)
1. Andrey Baryshpolets
2. Sergei Matsenko
3. Pavlo Vorontsov
4. Luis Carlos Torres
First ALT: Iryna Andrenko
Second ALT: Claudia MUnoz

1. Dariusz Swiercz
2. Yaroslav Zherebukh
3. Francesco Rambaldi
4. Cemil Can Ali Marandi 
ALT: Nozimo Aripova

1. Gil Popilski
2. Denis Kadric
3. David Berczes
4. Holden Hernandez
First ALT: Dani Raznikov
Second ALT: Angel Arribas Lopez


 Pair | Player Name                     |Total|Round|Round|Round| 
 Num  |                                 | Pts |  1  |  2  |  3  | 
    1 | LIEM QUANG LE                   |2.5  |W   8|W  16|D   2|  MO  2774  2784  WEB 1
    2 | DARIUSZ SWIERCZ                 |2.0  |W  16|D   8|D   1|  MO  2750  2757  SLU 1
    3 | ALEX SHIMANOV                   |2.0  |D   6|W  19|D  14|  MO  2722  2718  WEB 3
    4 | YAROSLAV ZHEREBUKH              |2.0  |W  18|D  10|D   7|  IL  2701  2705  SLU 2
    5 | HOLDEN HERNANDEZ                |2.0  |W  20|D  13|D   9|  TX  2590  2600  UTD 4
    6 | MR. LUIS CARLOS TORRES JR.      |2.0  |D   3|W  20|D  11|  VA  2360  2382  TTU 4
    7 | RAY ROBSON                      |1.5  |W   9|L  11|D   4|  MO  2751  2744  WEB 2
    8 | ANDREY BARYSHPOLETS             |1.5  |L   1|D   2|W  18|      2669  2672  TTU 1
    9 | PAVLO VORONTSOV                 |1.5  |L   7|W  14|D   5|  TX  2629  2631  TTU 3
   10 | SERGEI MATSENKO                 |1.5  |D  13|D   4|D  15|  TX  2599  2605  TTU 2
   11 | DAVID BERCZES                   |1.5  |U    |W   7|D   6|  TX  2580  2588  UTD 3
   12 | VASIF DURARBAYLI                |1.0  |U    |U    |W  20|  MO  2706  2711  WEB 4
   13 | ILLIA NYZHNYK                   |1.0  |D  10|D   5|U    |  MO  2705  2701  WEB 5
   14 | FRANCESCO RAMBALDI              |1.0  |D  15|L   9|D   3|  MO  2623  2616  SLU 3
   15 | DANI RAZNIKOV                   |1.0  |D  14|U    |D  10|  TX  2561  2563  UTD 5
   16 | GIL POPILSKI                    |0.0  |L   2|L   1|U    |  TX  2651  2641  UTD 1
   17 | PRIYADHARSHAN KANNAPPAN         |0.0  |U    |U    |U    |  PA  2606  2606  WEB 6
   18 | DENIS KADRIC                    |0.0  |L   4|U    |L   8|  TX  2595  2584  UTD 2
   19 | ANGEL ARRIBAS LOPEZ             |0.0  |U    |L   3|U    |  TX  2557  2553  UTD 6
   20 | CEMIL CAN ALI MARANDI           |0.0  |L   5|L   6|L  12|  CA  2560  2535  SLU 4
   21 | IRYNA ANDRENKO                  |0.0  |U    |U    |U    |  TX  2285  2285  TTU 5
   22 | CLAUDIA ELIZABETH MUNOZ         |0.0  |U    |U    |U    |  IN  2055  2055  TTU 6
   23 | NOZIMA ARIPOVA                  |0.0  |U    |U    |U    |  MO  1908  1908  SLU 5

  • Crosstable on uschess.org
  • https://www.vachess.org/tournaments/CollegeFinal4/Pairings.html

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