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Adam suffered identical fang marks as Barnabas did.
Adam suffered identical fang marks as Barnabas did.

SLIDE 4 (From Episode 607; Broadcast 10/22/1968)

But Adam was there in the house by the sea, and he had that moment awakened to the touch of his master, Nicholas Blair, who had sold his soul to Balberith, a Prince of Darkness. He exclaimed as his eye caught fresh fang marks on Adam's neck, identical with those on Barnabas'. Also, Adam was strangely weak, just as Barnabas was, and tormented by fear. His voice was a whisper. "Nicholas - something horrible has happened, hasn't it - something to do with - with Angelique?"

The handsome but sinister face of Nicholas was grim as he got to his feet. "It has," he told the frightened Adam. "But it won't happen again, I promise you. Go back to sleep; I'm going now to have a word with - with a certain woman, and take care of the matter."


  • Balberith:  In the original conception of the story this was supposed to be the Devil, of course. Feeling that it might be a bit too much to have the Devil appear on television (I dunno, it seems oddly appropriate to me), they filed the serial numbers off and changed his name to Diabolos, A Prince of Darkness, (but not any one in particular, mind you), hoping that would smooth things over! Feeling that even "Diabolos" was too intense for the kiddies, his name was changed again, to Balberith, for the Viewmaster Version.

  • The bit about Nicholas selling his soul to The Devil  Diabolos  Balberith is a Viewmaster addition. We learn nothing about Nicholas' background in the TV show, and frankly it's a silly addition, as the Blue Book value on his soul couldn't possibly have been worth all the powers he seems to have gotten in exchange for it.

  • Even though they haven't told us much of anything about Adam, we have been told (vaguely) that he has Barnabas' life force within him, so presumably they thought that was enough to explain why Adam has psychosomatic vampire bites (known affectionately as "The Hickey of the Undead") on his neck. It's a bit vague, yes, but it's more explanation than you get for a lot of things here.

  • "Nicholas - something horrible has happened, hasn't it - something to do with - with Angelique?" -- Apparently they didn't think it was enough explanation though, which is why they pumped up the melodrama here. In the actual show, Adam has, as you'd expect, no idea why bite marks have suddenly appeared on his neck.

  • "I'm going now to have a word with - with a certain woman" -- Heavy on the melodrama again. Since Adam has guessed who's responsible, exactly what secret does Nick think he's keeping here?

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    by Graeme Cree and Linda Keats