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Desperate, Nicholas forced Julia to begin evil experiment.
Desperate, Nicholas forced Julia to begin evil experiment.

SLIDE 20 (From Episode 629; Broadcast 11/21/1968)

With a supreme effort Nicholas pulled himself together after Maggie had gone. His fertile brain worked swiftly. Balberith was calling him to account for letting Eve die, and for other sins as well. With some kind of plan perhaps he could stave off the utter destruction that threatened him.

In a flash it came to him, and he dashed off to Collinwood to find Julia Hoffman. It all depended on her. Not even caring that Elizabeth was listening, he told her she must repeat the experiment, infusing new life into the dead Eve. Balberith needed Eve so that she and Adam could start a new race of men who would be his servants.

Horrified, Julia refused, and Nicholas played his trump card. "Very well, then I will take Adam's life."

Julia paled. "Then Barnabas too - will die."

His answer was an evil smile.

She stared at him with revulsion, but at last she sighed with resignation. "So be it. You may bring Eve's body to my laboratory tonight."


  • Balberith was calling him to account for letting Eve die... -- The heck?? When did that happen? Granted, it had happened in the actual TV show at this point (in Episode 626), but the booklet hasn't made the slightest allusion to it. A few screens ago, didn't Balberith even reward Angelique for screwing with Nicholas' plans for Adam and Eve? So how come he's so upset about it now?

  • ...and for other sins as well. -- There's that Catch-22 again. I thought Balberith liked sin and sinning. It's supposed to be cool with this bozo! Since when does he punish people for them? Is the Viewmaster booklet so confusing that even he's forgotten what side he's on? If only the early Church had had Viewmasters...

  • With some kind of plan perhaps he could stave off the utter destruction that threatened him. -- "Maybe if I challenge Balberith to a fiddle-playing contest and beat him, I can name my own terms. It worked for that kid down in Georgia, didn't it?..."

  • In a flash it came to him, and he dashed off to Collinwood to find Julia Hoffman. It all depended on her. -- Yeah, yeah, that's it! Now, who was she again? The one Barnabas lied to in Slide 3, but how does that help things?

  • Not even caring that Elizabeth was listening, he told her she must repeat the experiment, infusing new life into the dead Eve. -- Okay, yes. Slide 3 does mention that she created Adam through a series of "transplants". They never said anything about where Eve came from, but Slide 1 mentions that she was his mate (though that's pretty obvious just from the names), so maybe they meant us to assume that she was created the same way. Man, to think that kids read these Viewmaster books for fun! Figuring out this plot from the little snips they've given us is harder than most of the assignments we got in school back then.

  • Elizabeth wasn't listening in the show, and I can't imagine the point of saying that she was, since it's obvious they aren't going to do anything with her anyway.

  • Balberith needed Eve so that she and Adam could start a new race of men who would be his servants. -- It's WAY late in the game, but they've FINALLY explained what the heck is going on with Adam. Will wonders never cease?

  • Horrified, Julia refused, -- Makes you wonder why she ever did the original experiments in the first place, but we all know the VV isn't going to explain that. The moral here is clear. If you want to know what's happening, you should have watched the show.

  • "Very well, then I will take Adam's life." Julia paled. "Then Barnabas too - will die." -- That was never established in the show, but at this point, who cares? Just let them say whatever they want and get this over!

  • "So be it. You may bring Eve's body to my laboratory tonight." -- "Bring it? But I thought you had it." "No, I'm sure I left it with you." "Yeah, but after that..."

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    by Graeme Cree and Linda Keats