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Nicholas sought revenge but vampire had left crypt.
Nicholas sought revenge but vampire had left crypt.

SLIDE 16 (From Episodes 621 - 622; Broadcast 11/11 - 11/12/1968)

Though she defied him, Angelique did not deceive Nicholas. Discovering that Adam had weakened to the point of death, he knew that Angelique was endangering the life of Barnabas and ruining his plans. For this she must pay with her life - and the only way to take the life of a vampire was to drive a silver stake through her breast as she lay sleeping in her crypt . . .

But when he arrived, armed with hammer and stake, Angelique's coffin was empty! He trembled, aghast, for he knew why. Balberith, his own master, had summoned her to the Netherworld, and the outcome of that meeting could bode nothing but ill for Nicholas because he had been outwitted by Angelique's greed for Barnabas.


  • All right, all right, so I got it wrong. They DID remember that Adam existed. They still haven't told us why Nicholas is interested in him, but they remembered he existed. Give 'em credit there.

  • Silver stake? Since when? It's always been a wooden stake before. Silver bullets yes, but not silver stake. (I wonder if wooden bullets would work too?)

  • Now I KNOW that you can't say "breast" on TV! I wonder if there were any horny kids who bought this package in 1968 just because a friend told them that it had the word "breast" in it, and they snuck it into their house and read it secretly, and thought they were really getting away with something special? I bet there were more than a couple...

  • But when he arrived, armed with hammer and stake, Angelique's coffin was empty! He trembled, aghast, for he knew why. Balberith, his own master, had summoned her to the Netherworld... -- Naturally. What other possible explanation could there be for an empty coffin? In fact, in the TV show Angelique's coffin was empty because she took the natural precaution of moving to another one once she had thumbed her nose at Nicholas openly. The going to the Underworld bit happened a little later. Again, Viewmaster has fused two separate events together, and let plot points fall out of the sky into people's heads by magic to provide the glue to hold them together.

  • ...and the outcome of that meeting could bode nothing but ill for Nicholas because he had been outwitted by Angelique's greed for Barnabas. -- Don't ask, just accept the fact that Nicholas is in big trouble somehow.

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    by Graeme Cree and Linda Keats