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Tracy and Kirk fought til the Meraks captured them.

Tracy's phaser fizzled out - used up on Merak warriors. Kirk, now that things were even, raced for the jail. He'd seen some swords racked on the wall there. He grabbed one and returned to face Exeter's captain. Tracy was waiting beside the executioner's block - the headsman's ax in his hand.

Their sixteenth century duel was short. Kirk's ex-cellmate stopped the desperate sword-play. Meraks surrounded the two spacemen! They led them off for a meeting place called the "Men's House" - where the Meraks had, also, "escorted" Mr. Spock, Dr. McCoy, and the Kohm village elders - all bound with arms tied behind them.

Kirk turned to Tracy and observed, "Very little killing from what I can see - the Meraks just took prisoners. They are more civilized than you claimed."


  • The Viewmaster picture is very much like this one, with the difference that the guy in the foreground is NOT William Shatner (the hair style and colour are noticeably different).

  • They've moved from the Old West to the 16th century. Okay, give 'em credit for a little variety here.

  • The Sword vs. Axe fight is another Viewmaster extension of the story. In the televised version, Tracy grabs the axe, backs Kirk up against a haycart, and both get captured by Yangs/Meraks. No sword fight. But then the televised version had a strict 48 minute time limit to meet.

  • "The Men's House" is a name that appears nowhere in the episode. It's not clear if Viewmaster made this up, or if it was mentioned in the shooting script. Either way, it sounds like some kinda topless bar.

  • "Very little killing from what I can see - the Meraks just took prisoners. They are more civilized than you claimed." -- Isn't the Viewmaster Kirk a finger-wagging little nag? Don't you just want to slap him?

  • The story is getting more and more tangled. The Meraks aren't attacking in this version, yet they take over the village just the same, like they did in the televised version. Huh?

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    by Graeme Cree
